Our net zero commitment
LPPI has voluntarily made a public commitment to the goal of aligning our portfolio with net zero emissions by 2050. We aim to have 100% of assets under management in scope of net zero target setting over time.

We have published a roadmap as an introduction to our approach and we hope it offers helpful and accessible insights into a complicated subject.
Why have we made a net zero commitment?
Climate change is already affecting people, ecosystems and livelihoods all around the world. As a responsible asset manager, we recognise the importance of anticipating how a transition to a net zero emissions economy is likely to affect the investments we make on behalf of clients, and being well-prepared for the risks and opportunities.
Our roadmap to net zero and our commitment to industry best practice
LPPI has signed the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change Net Zero Asset Manager (NZAM) Commitment and is following the IIGCC Net Zero Investment Framework (NZIF) as an assistive guide. You can view a summary of our initial targets by visiting the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative website.
Active stewardship of the assets we own is at the heart of our net zero ambitions
As providers of capital, investors have influence. One of our core responsible investment beliefs is that institutional investors should utilise their ownership powers to exert influence in circumstances where their intervention is warranted to protect the long-term financial interests of pension scheme beneficiaries.