Local Pensions Partnership investments (LPPI) has been a Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) signatory since 2018. As a PRI signatory, LPPI is required to report publicly on our responsible investment activities and the independent Assessment Report is one of the outputs from this information, allowing LPPI to compare and benchmark itself against other investors.
In our latest PRI Assessment Report, LPPI has achieved 4-star and 5-star ratings, and more than 70% in each module. You can read the full report here.
This means we have scored significantly higher than the PRI median and either at or significantly above the Asset Owners Peer Group median.

Policy Governance and Strategy
LPPI performed well on this module by achieving a score of 77%, which is also the median score for the peer group. The score acknowledges our policy commitments, our strong governance structure, our focus on stewardship, external reporting and disclosures and overall ability to integrate ESG in our strategy.
Indirect – Listed Equity – Active
We outperformed the peer group significantly in this module with a score of 94% compared to the peer group media of 70%. The score recognises our expertise applying responsible investment practices, stewardship, and engagement and escalation responsibilities to segregated mandates provided by external investment managers with a focus on listed equities.
Indirect – Fixed Income – Active
We outperformed the peer group significantly in this module with a score of 94% compared to the peer group media of 68%. The score recognises our expertise applying responsible investment practices, stewardship, and engagement and escalation responsibilities to segregated mandates provided by external investment managers with a focus on fixed income within the LPPI Fixed Income Fund.
Confidence Building Measures
We outperformed the peer group with a score of 80%, compared to the peer group median of 70%. This is a new module for 2023 designed to assess organisations on their internal and external ESG controls and third-party verification on ESG data.
What is the PRI?
The PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investment. It was developed with investors, for investors in partnership with the United Nations. The reporting ensures transparency and accountability on responsible investment practices.
Joining the PRI is a voluntary initiative, which commits LPPI to the six Principles of Responsible Investment as part of our fiduciary responsibilities to our investors.