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What’s working at LPP like?
Here members of the LPP team share their experiences
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Pensions Administrator

Back In 2004 I started to work for Lancashire County Council (LCC) as a Pensions Helpdesk Assistant and progressed to Pensions Caseworker. 12 Years later LCC teamed up with the LPFA and LPP was born.

My current role is as a Pensions Administrator, positioned on the Police and Fire North team. The team administer all areas of the Police and Fire pension schemes including: refunds, transfers, retirements, deaths and Annual Allowance, to name but a few.

I am currently working towards my CIPP foundation degree in Pensions Administration and Management. Attaining excellent grades for my assignments and passing exams is giving me a great sense of accomplishment, while increasing my knowledge. This qualification is certainly going to help me in my role and future roles within the organisation too.

The best thing about working for LPP is the people. I love my team and the people I work with.
A selfie of Andrea, smiling.
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Engagement Officer

I joined the Lancashire County Pension Fund in 2013 so I’ve been with LPP from the beginning. I started on the Pensions Helpdesk and found the regulations fascinating. From there I progressed to the Engagement Team.

The team provides face to face customer service, liaising with the scheme employers to ensure they provide LPP with the scheme member information needed to get pensions paid. We also speak to scheme members, educating them about the benefits of their pension scheme. Our employers and scheme members range across Local Government, Fire and Police Pension Schemes.

I am happy to describe my job as diverse, challenging and fun. The worst part is getting lost when I’m trying to find my way to an event – I’ve never had a good sense of direction!

I am most proud of being able to provide an excellent standard of customer service. As a team we have worked hard to do the best for our employers & members and continue to do so.

The world of pensions is always changing and keeping up to date with it all keeps me on my toes!
A photo of Jonathan, smiling.